Searching for the truth Introducing our third and final video in the Rabia series. This one’s a prequel to the first two: Through the… Time: 00:54 I want to follow Christ… Each day, we have 50 or more conversations like this one. Pray for our team of responders as they support… Time: 07:53 Arabian Dawn – His Voice In this video, an Emirati woman gives her testimony. Like all Emiratis, she was brought up in the Islamic faith,… Time: 02:27 Finding peace with God This video continues the journey of Rabia with his sister and friend. In the first video, Through the door, the three… Time: 02:13 Through the door This is the first of three videos featuring Rabia. He’s been investigating Christianity and the teachings of Jesus along with… Time: 13:21 Arabian Dawn – a story of healing We’re thrilled to be able to share the most recent testimony of our Arabian Dawn series. In this video an Iraqi… Time: 01:36 Have you dreamed of Jesus? This short clip was created for use on social media, to try and draw in contact from Muslim seekers who… Time: 16:36 Arabian Dawn – in his time An Omani believer gives his testimony; a journey of many questions. This video is long, but it’s well worth watching. Time: 00:42 Rabia has made a decision This short, animated clip was created for use on social media, to try and draw in contact from Muslim seekers… Time: 02:52 Laila – looking for a miracle Laila and her husband Khaled live in the Gulf region. Their 12-year-old daughter has a life-threatening illness that medical treatment… Time: 02:39 Arabian Dawn – My heart aches If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes,… What happens when our sins find us out? Take a look at our latest video, on the subject of adultery. Pray that it stimulates thought and discussion on our…